Laura McCartney-Gray
Norwich City Council candidate for Sewell
Re-elect Laura McCartney-Gray
I’m Laura, I am standing for re-election In Sewell ward after serving as your councillor for two years. I currently serve on the council’s influential scrutiny, audit, licensing, constitution, and Norwich museums committees. I am also a member of the Climate and Environment Emergency Executive Panel (CEEEP) I also serve on the Norfolk Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) and Joint museums committee. I believe I have made a difference whilst serving on these committees
I was, up until the Covid pandemic reached the UK, an active and committed councillor in the ward; attending meetings and visiting residents who had issues ranging from serious anti-social behaviour, persistent dog fouling and fly tipping.
Since Covid I have been calling residents in the ward checking they have the information they need, supporting people access mental health services, reporting minor and serious anti-social behaviour incidents as well as other issues.
When we had the break in the summer and those shielding were allowed to participate in wider community activities I helped to make and deliver packed lunches through the Silver Road Community Centre. This was organised by silver road community group and friends.
I continued to be involved in this initiative and visiting residents in a safe way up until after the October half term when guidelines changed and I continued to shield with my parents. I then went back to phoning residents offering support to those who need it. This will continue until we come out of lockdown.
If elected I will continue to be a committed and strong voice for Sewell Ward both in the community and on the city council.